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I will say that your praise of the Patriots was spot on. On the bright side for you Jets fans out there there are not a lot of Patriots teams out there and you're already 1/2 done your games with the Hooded One so you've got smoother sailing ahead. Oh well except for that whole Chad Pennington thing.


As a fellow Jet fan I finished watching the game in total disgust. With their play and with the fan base I am associated with. And most of all with the fact that because the Patriots were so utterly dominating its difficult to foresee a way that the Jets could defeat them in either their next matchup or the postseason. I am down, very down.


JD - From your mouth to Mangini's ears. The Ravens defense against this offensive line is enough to drive a man to meth.

Simon - Disgust is a good word for it. I don't think they can handle the Patriots and have some serious fears about next weekend in Baltimore. If Chad plays I don't know if he'll see the end of the game. As for the fans, they've always been more concerned with what Pennington couldn't do than with everything that he's done as quarterback. I wish I was surprised but I wasn't and I won't be when they do the same thing to Clemens in a few years.


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