As I mentioned earlier I spent the weekend enjoying the charms of the Pacific Northwest. Among the highlights was a trip to Safeco Field for Friday night's 7-4 Mariner win over the Red Sox, a game marked by some great garlic fries, a monster home run by David Ortiz and the tremendous show that accompanies J.J. Putz's trip into the game from the bullpen. I was there with my better half, a.k.a. the Piece, and her major concern was with the mascot of the home team. "Why is it a Moose? Shouldn't it be a sea captain or something?"
A fair point and one that Coco Crisp is probably asking today after he nearly lost life and limb to an ATV driven by the Moose.
Before the bottom of the fifth, he was jogging, head down, out of the dugout when the Moose's ATV rumbled in front of the Boston bench.
"I was told it looked like something from 'Naked Gun,' " said manager Terry Francona, who was in the clubhouse at the time.
Crisp was clipped on the knee by the cart and staggered for a second, but didn't fall. Instead of getting mad, or even, Crisp played along with the gag, faking like he was going to throw his glove at the offending Moose, before running out to center.
It may have seemed like an accident but with Crisp beating up on the Mariners Sunday, two doubles and two runs scored, it may have been Seattle's only chance to slow down the Red Sox centerfielder. They should have also sent him after Josh Beckett. The righty struck out nine in Boston's 9-2 win. The Mariners lost two of three games this weekend, fell three and a half back of the Angels and may need to look into a sea captain to replace their reckless Moose.