Not since the Zapruder film has a video done more to explain a tragic situation and make me feel like a fool at the same time. I was convinced Oswald acted alone and I was sure that the Moose was guilty. So very wrong...Let the Moose loose! (Shakedown Sports)
Finally someone in Boston pays some attention to Brian Scalabrine. (Epic Carnival)
Is someone at work calling you Herban and you don't know what it means? It's not a compliment. (Loser With Socks)
No pitcher deserves the infamy of giving up #756 more than Jose Canseco. (The Extrapolater)
I wonder what problem the venerable Southern Christian Leadership Conference could have with honoring Michael Vick? (Nation of Islam Sports Blog)
Can we make August 7th Butch Hobson Day? (One More Dying Quail)
Erik Morales was a helluva fighter. Good to see he's getting out of the game before his brain gets scrambled. (Rumors and Rants)
Only 88 days until Michigan destroys the Spartans. (The Ghosts of Wayne Fontes)
The world needs fantasy track. (Shot to Nothing)
Matt Vasgersian will be paying for drinks in St. Louis for the near future. (Awful Announcing)