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Man, those were great!


It's amazing how many stupid ways you can injure yourself....the least they could have done is made up a good story.


Don't forget Bobby Ojeda. From wikipedia:
...He pitched well in 1988 but was involved in what some consider one of the most ridiculous accidents in baseball history when he severed the tip of his left middle finger while trimming his hedges in mid-September.


My favorite/frustrating was Joel Zumaya missing playoff time from playing too much guitar hero.


Don't forget future Hall-of-Famer John Smoltz, ironing his shirt while he happened to be wearing it.

Rip Slagcheek

"At the end of the 2001 season, Cardinals catcher Mike Matheny severed tendons in his thumb while sheathing a hunting knife that his wife had given him for his birthday. The injury knocked Matheny off the Cardinals' playoff roster and threatened his career."


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Accident at Work 

It is surprising to know how many stupid ways we can injure ourself.....
List is interesting to read.

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