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Am I the only one who has a problem with him coming down on the media as if he were somehow separate from it? He works for a huge media conglomerate, so he's pooping where he eats, in my opinion.


Thank you,

Scoop Jackson is the most bizarrely incompetent sportswriter out there. From the moment I read that piece, I wondered where the hell he'd been, because I'd been hearing Clemens getting ripped left, right, and center (and by other sources beyond those you referenced), to the point where I was sick of it. His claim that he "waited for it" but it was nowhere to be found is utterly ludicrous. So its not enough that sportswriters get the facts wrong in their articles, now they no longer even have to worry about whether there's any truth to the central premise either?


Scoop Jackson's not a big reader, and he's ALSO not a real writer. He's a one note player who somehow parlayed a cheap gimmick into an ESPN contract because they thought his "gangsta writer" act might appeal to teenage black kids they wanted to attract.

Problem is now he's expected to actually occasionally write something of substance and he CAN'T DO IT. The result is pitifully false columns like this one.


Bill Simmons is blacker than Scoop Jackson.


Scoop is probably the single most notable talentless hack in a profession overstuffed with talentless hacks.


Not only is Scoop all of the above, but he is also, like, a tiny person. Terribly irritating.


Scoop's 15 minutes should've expired a long time ago. He's been thoroughly exposed, its time for him to go away.

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