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Cabrera might be a douche, but it seems they could've handled this with him behind closed doors.

The Feed

I don't think Cabrera's a douche at all. The Marlins are being excessively tight with a nickel, should have already signed Cabrera to a long term deal and are totally wrong to go public with their feelings.


The Marlins are ridiculous for holding the line on this particular player for that particular amount. Willis can only pitch once ever five games. That's twice and maybe three times on a long home stand. What did Cabrera not do last year that would make 700K on a ONE YEAR contract that much of a big deal?

Are they stupid enough to think that 700K drops his trade value significantly? He's on a one year deal, and at his age he's trade bait extrodinaire. But if they want to keep him, then why the hell wouldn't they lock him into a 3 year deal?

The Marlins make no sense to me year to year.

The Feed

I don't think I could come up with two hands worth of players with more value than Miggy Cabrera right now and 700K wouldn't stop any team from trading for him because they'd turn right around and sign him for three, four or five years in a heartbeat. Why the Marlins don't do that, I'm no economist but cost certainty is nothing to sneeze at when you claim the financial stress that the Marlins do, is well beyond my feeble brain.


What the hell kind of a cable deal do they have? You'd think that with all the blue hairs down there, they'd be able to sell home games on a pay channel and make a tidy sum each year. Mind boggling how this team pulls this shit year in year out. And you're right about Cabrera...absolute insanity.

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